The intent of the Operating Manual is to provide guidelines to assist the WSCA
Executive Board and ISA representatives in fulfilling the objectives of the WSCA
Any additions, deletions, or revisions can and will be made whenever the
President, the Executive Board and/or an approved ISA representative feels that it
is necessary.
Article I
Section 1: This organization shall be known as the WASHINGTON STATE
COACHES ASSOCIATION and may be referred to as the WSCA.
Article II
Section 1: To promote the understanding of the athlete as he/she relates to
coaches, athletics, and the schools of Washington State.
Section 2: To endeavor to meet the needs of all WIAA sports by aiding the
Individual Sport Associations, and may be referred to as the ISA’s.
Section 3: To secure a representative membership of coaches in the hope of
developing better communication among schools, coaches, and
Section 4: To promote good healthy fellowship, social contacts, and professional
networking among coaches.
Section 5: The WSCA is registered as a non-profit organization with the state of
Washington and the federal government.
Article III
Section 1: Individual Membership
A. Active Members: Only such coaches who are or will be actively engaged in (or
directly associated with) the profession of coaching athletics in the state of
Washington, shall be eligible for active membership.
B. Associate Members: Any individual who has an interest in coaching and
presently is inactive as a coach may be eligible for Associate membership.
C. Honorary Members: Candidates for Honorary membership first shall be
approved by a majority vote of the WSCA Executive Board. Any person who has
retired from coaching, but who has contributed over a great number of years to the
advancement of athletics shall be eligible for Honorary membership. The retiring
past president of the WSCA shall automatically become an Honorary Member.
Section 2: Individual Sport Association (ISA) Membership:
A. Any group of coaches representing the WIAA sport in the state of Washington
may petition the WSCA Executive Board for admission as an ISA. That admission
will be granted when the following conditions have been met:
1. The members of the ISA are also members of the WSCA.
2. The ISA has officers on file with the secretary of the WSCA.
3. The ISA is prepared to provide a current, detailed financial report of all
incomes and expenditures with the WSCA no less than once per year.
4. The objectives of the ISA shall not conflict with the objectives of the
B. There shall be only one recognized ISA for each WIAA recognized sport.
See Appendix B
C. The president of the ISA will be the sports representative for that particular
sport unless a designee has been approved by the WSCA Executive Board.
D. In order to have an ISA clinic(s) and/or All-State contest(s), the ISA must
adhere to the proper guidelines set forth in the Operating Manual.
See Appendix C
Article IV
Section 1: The annual dues for the Active and Associate members shall be
determined by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
Section 2: The Executive Board shall have complete control of the association
affairs, funds, and property. They shall exercise all of the powers
possessed by the association itself, insofar as such delegation of
authority is consistent with the duties and objectives of the
Operating Manual.
Section 3: Honorary members shall pay no dues.
Section 4: Active WSCA Executive Board members will receive a
complimentary WSCA membership card, if so desired, during
their active service on the Executive Board.
Article V
Section 1: The Executive Board shall consist of the past president, president, the
officers listed in Article VI, and six – three year board members.
Section 2: The Executive Board shall have complete control of the association
affairs, funds and property. They shall exercise all of the powers
possessed by the association itself, insofar as such delegation of
authority is consistent with the duties and objective of the articles and
by-laws of this constitution.
Section 3: The President of the WSCA shall be the Chairman of the Executive
Board. The President and Secretary shall have discretionary power to
carry on the daily business of the WSCA. They will keep the
Executive Board apprised of the activities.
Section 4: Any vacancy on the Executive Board shall be filled by the president
and confirmed by a simple majority of the Executive Board.
Section 5: The Executive Board will meet at least three (3) times a year at a time
and place to be determined by the president. The president shall notify
the Executive Board a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the
meeting date.
Section 6: At any meeting of the Executive Board, eight (8) or more members
shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote is necessary to decide any
action brought before the meeting.
Article VI
Section 1: The officers of the WSCA shall be President, First Vice-President,
Second Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Clinic Coordinator,
Magazine Editor and WIAA Liaison. See Appendix A
Section 2: The President shall preside at all meetings, call meetings of the
Executive Board, and assign duties and responsibilities to members of
the Executive Board.
Section 3: The First Vice-President shall assist the president and perform all of
the duties of the president in his/her absence. He/she shall succeed the
president for any reason that the president cannot fulfill the term of
Section 4: The Executive Secretary shall keep the records and minutes of the
WSCA and shall carry on the correspondence of the association.
He/she shall keep an accounting of all ISA current officers.
Section 5: The Treasurer shall keep an account of all WSCA funds and shall
submit a report of funds at the annual summer Executive Board
meeting. He/she shall keep an accounting of all ISA funds.
Section 6: The Magazine Editor, Clinic Coordinator and the WIAA Liaison will
have duties assigned by the President.
Article VII
Nominating Committee
Section 1: The nominating committee shall consist of the Executive Board
Section 2: The nominating committee shall prepare a list of candidates for each
elective office and shall present it to the Executive Board at its
summer meeting.
Article VIII
Election of Executive Board and Officers
Section 1: Past President: The retiring president shall become the past
a. The past president may serve a term of up to two (2) years on the
Executive Board.
Section 2: President: The First Vice-President and the Second Vice-President
shall be the candidates for president of the WSCA.
a. The president is chosen by a majority vote of the Executive Board
at the annual summer board meeting on even numbered years.
b. The president serves a term of two years on the Executive Board.
c. In the case where both vice presidents choose not to run for the
office of president, then any other member of the Executive Board
may run for the position. The president shall be chosen by a
majority vote of the Executive Board.
Section 3: First Vice-President: The two – three(3) year board members who
are in the third year of their term, on even numbered years, shall be
candidates for the first vice-presidency.
a. The first vice-president is chosen by a majority vote of the
Executive Board at the annual summer meeting on even numbered
b. The first vice-president serves a term of two (2) years on the
Executive Board.
Section 4: Second Vice-President: The two – three (3) year board members
who are in the third year of their term, on odd numbered years, shall
be candidates for the second vice-president.
a. The second vice-president is chosen by a majority vote of the
Executive Board at the annual summer meeting on odd numbered
b. The second vice-president serves a term of one year on the
Executive Board.
Section 5: All appointed officers shall be appointed by the president and
approved by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
a. Each position serves an indefinite term of office.
b. These positions shall be “re-appointed” upon the election of a new
president. The current officers may be re-appointed to their
existing positions.
Section 6: Three Year Board Members: any active member of the association
is a candidate for this position.
a. Two – three year board members are chosen by a majority vote of
the Executive Board at the annual Executive Board summer
b. Three-year board members serve a term of three years on the
Executive Board.
Section 7: The Executive Board will nominate active ISA Rep’s for
consideration for nomination to the Executive Board.
Article IX
Association Year and Meetings
Section 1: The WSCA year shall close July 31st and begin Aug. 1st.
Section 2: All meetings will be conducted by Robert’s Rules of Order
Section 3: The President shall preside at all WSCA meetings. In the absence of
the President, the First Vice-President, the Second Vice-President, the
Secretary / Treasurer shall preside in order of their listing in the
absence of the president.
Section 4: New officers shall take office Aug. 1st and be recognized for such
office at the first board meeting after the summer election.
Article X
Inspection of Books and Records
Section 1: All documents of every kind and description belonging to the
WSCA shall be open to the inspection of all members of the
Article XI
Section 1: All proposed amendments to the WSCA Operating Manual shall be
submitted to the Executive Secretary of the WSCA.
Section 2: A two-thirds majority of the Executive Board present at the meeting
shall be necessary for adoption of the amendment.
Adopted March 18, 2012
Appendix A
Washington State Coaches Association Executive Board
Nalin Sood
Past President
Sue Doering
1St Vice President 2nd Vice President
Darrell Olson open
Three Year Board Member (1 Year) Three Year Board Member (1 Year)
Brett Lucas Daunte Gouge
Three Year Board Member (2 Year) Three Year Board Member (2 Year)
Pete Orgill Tony Batinovich
Three Year Board Member (3 Year) Three Year Board Member (3 Year)
Tom Harmon Rob Friese
Appointed Officers and Committee’s
Executive Secretary/Treasurer Jerry Parrish
Asst. Secretary Bill Alexander
WIAA Liaison Ed Laulainen, Rob Friese, Mike Schick
Clinic Coordinator Ed Laulainen
Magazine Editor Mike Schick
Athletic Director Liaison Bob Bourgette (West) & Bill Alexander (East)
Middle School Rep Mike Schick
Scholarship Committee Rick Giampeitri, Sue Doering, Darrell Olson, Pat Fitterer
All State Games liason Bill Alexander & Pat Fitterer
WSCA Operating Manual Darrell Olson & Daunte Gouge
Appendix B
Individual Sport Representatives
Athletic Trainers Chris Franklin North Kitsap [email protected]
Baseball Pete Orgill Davis-Yakima [email protected]
Basketball Boys Nalin Sood Mountlake Terrace [email protected]
Basketball Girls Dan Taylor King’s [email protected]
Cheerleading OPEN
Cross Country Joe Clark Lakes [email protected]
Football Bob Bourgette Kennedy [email protected]
Golf Darrell Olson Everett [email protected]
Gymnastics Susan Riley Shorewood [email protected]
Softball/Fastpitch Tom Harmon Nooksack Valley [email protected]
Swim / Dive OPEN
Track & Field Daunte Gouge King’s [email protected]
Tennis OPEN
Volleyball Tawnya Brewer Burlington-Edison
Wrestling Craig Hanson East Valley (Spokane) [email protected]
Middle school Rep(W) Mike Schick Edgemont Jr. High [email protected]
Middle school Rep(E) OPEN
Soccer West Aaron Radford Kentwood [email protected]
Soccer East Tom Turner Quincy [email protected]
Appendix C
Senior ‘All-State Game’ Request
Name of Organization:
Game Coordinator:
Mailing address:
Email address:
Date & Time of contest:
Site of contest:
Site Coordinator: (if different than the game coordinator)
Briefly explain the selection process for All-State team selection (must be state wide):
Brief description of All-State format:
The following requirements must be completed to be approved:
1. All game coaches must be current WSCA members, at least one month prior to All-State game
2. You must have approved game insurance (complete the All-State Game Questinaire)
Contact Jerry Parrish for insurance application six (6) weeks prior to game.
Jerry Parrish, Executive Secretary, WSCA
18468 8th Ave. NE, Poulsbo, WA 98370; 800-441-7776; [email protected]
3. All work must be done through your ISA rep. for WSCA.
4. All-State contest is located ‘in-state’ and request may not used for the traveling all-star player/group.
5. All participants must be a high school senior, currently eligible, and on track to graduate from high school.
Please complete and return BEFORE MARCH 1
Requests will be reimbursed as per current executive board policy for game enhancement and will be sent upon
receipt of completed Game Expense Report following the contest.
Send forms to: Pat Fitterer OR Bill (Alex) Alexander
1115 S 45th Ave 201 C Street SE
Yakima, WA 98908 Quincy, WA 98848
509-966-3516 509-781-1152 or cell: 509-237-1590
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]